Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. To

Another person living in my house had a birthday today…and count him as another person who has never celebrated his birthday before.  Na (aka, Mr. To to Zach…so we all call him that!) turned 27 today and has never had a birthday celebration!!!  Unlike Sok’im’s birthday, we new this one was coming and were able to plan it!  Pizza from "The Pizza Company" was delivered, a gift was given and a tuk tuk called to take us to Swenson’s!!!  It’s truly SO nice to enjoy a birthday with someone so thankful…he would have been thankful if I had just bought him ice cream…but to be able to do something for his special day and share in his first celebration; it’s just a moment you don’t forget.

The ENTIRE house was awakened by Zachary singing “Happy Birthday to You”…just to note, he carries his dad’s gene in that department…poor guy loves music, but CANNOT carry a tune!…Then Mr. To went out and bought ME and everyone else coffee…I had planned on getting him coffee when I took Zachary to school…but he beat me to it.

After his day of work (he’s a guard at a US Embassy home right next door to ours), his wife came home, we had a dinner as a family and headed out!

The boys are really enjoying foods…they eat and grunt if you don’t get into their mouth fast enough again!

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Getting a bit fussy…but that stopped when whipped cream was offered.  Trevor now has a new favorite food!  (I don’t think that is considered a food…but he loves it anyhow!)

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Finished the night of with BIG kisses from Trevor!!!


Happy Birthday Mr. To…we all love you and how you love our family.  You are family to us and we hope to know you for the rest of our lives.  We hope you are blessed with beautiful children to show your love…you are a kind man and your children will be lucky to have you for their dad.

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