Friday, February 25, 2011

Cucina of Khamary…

I finally have a wife!!!  All these years I have wanted a wife like myself…someone to pick up after me, wash my clothes and put them away for me, iron them, make my bed every morning, cook my meals, shop for me, clean up after dinner, remind me when we are low on milk, or toilet paper, or dish soap…ahhhh…yes.  I always said, “Boy!  Would I like a Teresa for myself!”…I don’t have a Teresa, but I have a Khamary…and makes me the yummiest food…you could skip the rest of that stuff and just hand over the food and I would still be a happy girl!  Here are some of my yummy meals:

Fresh Salad with homemade vinaigrette and grilled chicken:


Chicken Breast with peeled asparagus, mushrooms, potatoes in a lovely dijon sauce:


Grilled Chicken with blanched broccoli, carrots and steamed rice with a garlic oyster sauce:


I get beef, grilled steak salad, beef & noodles, noodle salad (a favorite), pork and veggies…I look forward to dinner…I never knew that feeling before…being excited for dinner and not knowing exactly what was coming and just sitting down and having it plated, warm and ready for my tastebuds!


  1. Oh, I want a wife too! You're one spoiled lady for sure. Peeled asparagus? That's love.

  2. Ummmmmm, jealous of the "worry free" dinners!! Enjoy.
