Thursday, August 30, 2012

School Time…

Sniff sniff…double sniff sniff…My babies are going to school…


Let me begin by saying, if you know me, you know this decision totally sucked…(so, if you know me, I wouldn’t have to tell you that, so really, it’s for the people who don’t know me)…I love having my babies home, sniffing their toes, hearing their giggles and taking them on runs…and both times I’ve decided to enroll in school were out of “necessity”…(Zachary was 2 1/2 years old and I was alone and 30 weeks pregnant with twins, in the desert…so he went 2 days per week so I could go to the Dr. and have a little rest time while I was baking those twins in my belly)…Now…I live in Cambodia…and I was planning on waiting until January to start them…but stupid me HAD to go back to the states this summer and then come back here…and realize that my boys need more…more interaction, more play, more fun, more playgrounds and basically, just stuff to do.  I waffled with this for a long time…I was only going to start them in January because of work…but I’ve started working sooner and I just felt like they were bored sitting at home watching a movie after they sat in a stroller for an hour while I pushed them.  So, Dad & I decided that they could go for 2 days…the “curriculum” requires a 3 day enrollment, so we opted for that and off we went…

This was easier this time because:

  • they have each other
  • I’ve actually left them overnight on different occasions
  • they are used to having another person around to help me out
  • they loved the school every time we went to check it out, they never wanted to leave

This was harder this time because:

  • I don’t want them to grow up too fast, these days are precious

All weekend, I was talking about their new school and Brandon would pick up his lunch box (that we bought in Honolulu and have carried all over the world with us) and say, “Mama?  School!” with this big grin on his face…Trevor pretended…he would just say, “Yeah.  School.” No enthusiasm (which you will see later)…

Mama had to do some planning so everyone could get out the door by 7:30 fed and dressed (only 2 requirements)…


Their first day went like this:

We got up, excited, carried the lunch box around the house all morning, talked about school, playing, toys, friends, Zachary’s school, no “MY SCHOOL” (Trevor)003, Brandon just kept saying “School” with his big smile002, which shoes to wear, who got which shirt (superheroes or trucks???), which shorts, what’s the snack…


and just like that, off we went…



I actually did get everyone’s hair done (which has no point in Cambodia…especially on a toddler…it was done only for their baby books…all future photos will not be so GQ.!)

They were excited and chatting and happy to drop their brother off 015and happy to arrive at their school…024023021020019

Mama stuck around for a 1/2 hour, playing and pushing (on the swing…), snapping photos and digging in the sand…025

Brandon just kissed me and waved good bye, but Trevor was not too happy…he is back to being the mama’s boy…but he went and played with the turtles and when I came back to get them, both were smiling and playing and eating a snack…

(We won’t talk about how mama felt…)

Day 2 went even better…

IMG_20120828_073751 (2)

THESE are the faces I love…THESE are the faces that make each day better…

…I think we are going to be alright…just another step in the direction of, “I’m a big boy now…”…

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