Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad…

WELL…as I mentioned before, the reason for scheduling the trip around this time was for Dad’s 60th birthday…unfortunately, we had those penicillin shots the morning of his birthday after 4 days of being sick…the kids were wiped out, Mom was running around like a wild woman trying organize everything (because she had spent the morning in the urgent care with me…holding babies that were crying while I was holding others down for shots in another room), Rob had just arrived and EVERYONE else was trying to organize and help…by the time the boys finally woke up, the party was 1/2 way over…we made it, had some food, saw a moose and sang Happy Birthday AND caught up with a LOT of people…but I didn’t get ONE picture with my dad…my dad and the boys…nothing…but, I will say this…


Happy Birthday Dad…

you are an amazing person with a huge heart who always knows what to say

you are considerate and kind

you think of others

you would do anything for any of us

you seem to always put yourself last

you love your children more than your own life

you are ALWAYS just a phone call away when we need to hear the right words…it might be in the middle of the night and an “it will all work out”…

or it might be in the middle of the day and “the not so subtle prodding” we sometimes need…

you are what any person would see as an anchor…

…and I speak for ALL of us kids when I say, “I’m proud Steve Jones is my father.”…

So even if it was all a little jumbled this year…I’m so happy I was able to be there and I hope you know just HOW MUCH you mean to me…I love you.

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