Sunday, August 26, 2012


Wow…I’ve had SO much to catch up on…but my babies turned 2 the day after we got back from the states (thank you lap infant fees…saved us $2000, but probably took about 7.3 years off my life…).

So my babies…my babies are TWO…I can’t believe it…seems like it was just yesterday…That this is what I knew of you…little Trevor hugging Brandon’s head…in my belly…I cried when I saw this…I cried…it was so precious and sweet to me that in my belly you knew each other and loved each other and touched and cuddled…and today, Trevor is still the cuddler…and Brandon is all over the place…as you were in my belly…can we say breech, head down, transverse, breech, transverse, head down…yeah…you were really ALL over the place! 

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…and I was sitting at home watching TV waiting for you to move…and you did!!

I was so scared to have two babies at once…I wanted to know I could love you both and I was afraid…hoping that I just had enough love…that’s what worried me…not the diapers, feedings, late nights, extra clothes, crying…none of that came to my mind…I wanted to be sure you had enough love…boy was I naïve…because I loved you both the minute I laid eyes on you…and I should have been worried about those long nights and feedings…sometimes, I’m not sure how I made it thru those days…but LOVE YOU…is nothing I ever question.



We had some CRAZY nights…but you are so precious to me…my babies…my loves…





OH.MY.GOD…look at those yummy rolls!!!…and look at these big boys at 2…





You boys make our family complete…COMPLETE…your personalities, your voice, your giggles, your fake laughs, your mimicking your brother (especially Trevor)…your breaking into a dance at any given time…Brandon…Here’s what I know…

My life and this world is better because you are in it…

Trevor…you love to kiss and cuddle and snuggle and sniff your blankie…you are stubborn and sweet at the same time…you love to “talk”…you love watermelon and Cars and Spiderman…you have big feet and a squishy little butt…you love to laugh and don’t sleep as much as Brandon…you are smart and know blue, purple and yellow…you call out for me every morning and light up when I come into the room to pick you up…you like spicy food and being feisty…

Brandon…you love your monkey and you like to have everyone sniff its tail while you suck on a baba…you shuffle around with a little hop and skip and break into a dance when you hear a song you like…you love your sleep and you are happy when you wake up to just lay in your bed and give me the biggest smile when I walk into the room…you love noodles and rice and being with your brothers…Elmo and Mickey Mouse are your fav’s…you like to watch Trevor try things and wait until you have it down before you try it yourself…you seem to perfect it in your mind and then never fail when you try…you are witty and feisty and give lots of love.

Together…you are a team…nothing stops you when you both want something…if you ask for something for yourself, you always ask for one for the other…you always share and are very good at taking turns (except when it comes to the water hose)…you give loves to each other and cuddle up on the couch with your lovies and each other…

What I know…I couldn’t live without you…your faces, your smiles, your peaches, your runs, your stinky toes and dirty diapers; your starfish hands, your little voices, your dances, your songs, your temper tantrums…your heart, your bright eyes, your toothy grins and your fights…you and your big brother make my life everything.


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