Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Two are better than one…rather Three are better than two!!!

I love it when my boys (ALL of them) are having a complete meltdown…I am holding 1 30 pound kid in each arm and the 40 pounder is yelling and screaming louder than them…and someone walks past us and says, “OH!  Are they twins?  WOW…they are so cute.  How old are they?  Are they identical?  (do they look the same?  one has blue eyes…one has hazel…DUH) YOU must have your hands full!  I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old, and I think I am busy…YADA YADA YADA!”…Seriously?  I mean, I’m sweating profusely, everyone in a 10 mile radius can hear us, snot is all over everyone’s faces, someone is smacking me, the other is throwing himself backward, the older one is yelling, “I don’t love you.  I don’t want a mommy anymore.”…and you wanna ask me if my hands are full?  If they weren’t so full, I’d strangle you…now walk away and nobody will get hurt!

In all honesty…I don’t really mind…I mean, they ARE the cutest little kids ever to come out of me…they love each other and love me no matter what their actions say.  I loved having my one baby, Zachary…but now I love having my two babies! 

They are sweet, funny, loving, wave hello and goodbye to EVERYONE, blow kisses to anyone who will accept ‘em, look at me with “that look” and push all 100+ books out of the book shelf in the blink of an eye, will work together to open a gate to get outside, push a table out of the way to play with the water cooler, pull chairs to the counter to help me cook, look at the turtles or play in the sink.  YES…my life is busy…YES…it IS chaotic at times…YES…they go to bed at 6 PM and I no longer need an alarm clock…YES…sometimes they don’t nap together…but YES…they are the sweetest little blessings I can imagine (the bigger one included)…being a mama is the BEST and HARDEST job I’ve EVER had…it challenges me every day, but gives me more joy than anything I’ve ever done.  I’m not perfect, neither are they, but we love each other in this little family we have…


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