Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One long week…

Most of the time, I no longer realize I live in a “developing country”…I get most of the things I need at the grocery store, I have my DELICIOUS cup of coffee from Brown’s a few days per week, I have my friends, the kids have their fun, I bake, I cook, I drink wine, we have date nights…you know…once the initial shock wore off, I settled right in.  I forget the things aren’t just part of a “normal” life…riding around in a tuk tuk with my kids on my lap, walking 50 steps and hopping on the back of a moto with my helmet for a $1 ride to wherever I need to go, traffic rules are merely suggestions, my daily run consists of about 5 “call overs” to check out my “khone plua”, 5…sometimes 6 people riding on a moto with a toddler on the handlebars and a baby being breastfeed in between a dad and a grandma, Dr.’s telling me I am fat and to exercise and the local “chiropractor” having an “assistant” that acts as some sort of…for lack of a better word…Witch Dr.  Seriously, I don’t know what to call her…last year I got THE WORST kink in my neck and couldn’t sleep, eat, move…my hand was numb, I was DESPARATE! So I found this “chiropractor” and he had this assistant stand next to him and she raised her arm and he touched my back and moved his hand along my back and when her arm went up (or down…I can’t remember), he “knew” that disk was out or something…Ummmm…I told you where my back hurt…how about focusing on that?  A couple of visits later, a diet to clear out toxins suggested, a suggest $160 custom made pillow and a suggested 20 visit pre-paid follow up plan…I steered clear of THAT guy!  Anyway, I got that KINK AGAIN…and went to the local acupuncturist…a little Chinese lady who rocks those needles, electro shocks and burning cups…and made me feel 100 times better…I saw her twice…and got these to show for it…couldn’t get the photo of my back…


…and ended the week with a 90 minute couples massage and I am back to my old self…pushing 100 pounds and running a few miles!

We tried a new place and it was WONDERFUL!~  A peaceful little retreat with a garden and soft lighting in the room, with a huge steam shower in the middle and off to the side, a bathroom with a real shower…a Friday night slice of heaven…


Sooo…you see…it’s easy to forget I live in a developing country…we had top of the line massages at Sobin Spa and followed it with a delish glass of Cab and an assortment of maki rolls…a perfect night anywhere…except here…it only cost us $80…FOR THE NIGHT!!! 

C’est la vie!

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