Tuesday, February 21, 2012


You are my little Jimmy…you look like him and you are pretty happy to keep to yourself!  You love books and making messes and you stiffen your body to the caliber of SuperMan when you don’t get your way!  You cry like you lost a toe when your feelings are hurt, but that is not very often.  You lead with your head when you walk and are not afraid of any steps…you walk right down ‘em!  You love your brothers, and while Trevor used to be a bit of a “mama’s boy”, you’ve gladly taken over that role in recent weeks!  You are headstrong and when you want something, you want it now…otherwise, you are content and happy to sit on my lap!  You are not flexible like your brother, and you like to use your right hand (as opposed to Trevor, who will be a lefty!)  You love showers with mommy and put your head on my right shoulder and wrap your little arms around me; and when I tell you I love you, you have the sweetest little noise you make and you turn your head to me with an open mouth and kiss me.  You make a run for the bathroom EVERY morning and try and nab a toothbrush before we go downstairs.  You love “balls” and point them out wherever we go!  You always tell me “UP!” and “all done”…you sign “more” for please and more and you also say water and go in Khmer!  You love to put your feet up on the tray on the BOB so that I grab them and you put your hand out to the side so I will high five you!  Your laugh is the cutest little BABY laugh my ears have heard!  I love your sweet little face and know lots of people are going to be enjoying those sweet little kisses!


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