Tuesday, February 21, 2012


You are my little T!  You act a lot like me too…you get pissy real easily, you get mad and walk away and then come back with tears for a kiss…then get mad again…

You have the same look in almost every photo now and when I DO take your photo…I have to make it so you can see yourself on the camera.  You are stubborn, sweet and loving…if not a little too particular about what you want (already???!!!).  You love soccer and you kick and throw as a lefty.  You kiss with puckered lips and smile after each kiss!  You love going bye bye and grab your shoes and crawl into the BOB jogger for our daily runs!  You have a big infectious laugh and think physical “comedy” is the funniest!  You are the most flexible little guy I’ve ever seen!  You point out when someone has made a “meh” (aka, mess) and shake your little finger, “No, no, no!”.  You say “dah” and it can mean please, thanks and up.  You ask for water and say go in Khmer!  You are sweetest when you first wake up and talk to yourself until I come and get you in the morning!  You are usually the first one up…and always so happy to see me…even when without fail, you have pooped your first poo before I get up!  You have the stinkiest little toes, but smell everyone else’s feet and act like it’s those ones that stink!  You are a big helper and like to pick up your toys and wipe up messes!  You are also a little bit of a “drama king”!!!

I can’t wait for everyone back home to get to know you!!!!!


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