Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Operation Snake Shakedown…

Well…we had another snake (don’t worry Ritchey family…we will be in a different house when you get here…and Mom…well, just don’t go out back!)…This time Jimmy & To got it…and to make it seem even more like we are in the middle of nowhere, To had to borrow a ladder to cut the vines off the barbed wire that is in the back of our house…now I know how this may sound, but we live on a street with many US Embassy employees and it’s just protocol…freaked me out a bit with I moved here, but then the green luscious vines grew up over it and hid it and I kinda liked it…until I realized it was giving the snakes a freeway into our back yard…so To began cut the vines off the barbed wire and I went out to check on the progress of “Operation Snake Shakedown”…I mean, we bought 100 wrinkled limes …wait, I guess I should explain…

Apparently snakes are scared of the citronella smell these wrinkled limes put off…EVERY Cambodian I know says this and uses them…so why, I wonder, did the snake cross those damned limes and head back up my beloved Plumeria tree?  Oh, wait, yes, I found out that it only scares away the snakes with poison…I suppose this is good…I mean…I SUPPOSE, right?  If this is the case, then it wasn’t a snake with poison afterall…anyway…so in the back yard, we have a string of about 80 limes (because 20 are around that Plumeria Tree) strung together with plastic rope we threaded with a 5 inch shoe repair needle…I mean, we MEAN business here…damn you snakes! 

So…I went out to check on this and who should be fishing off his roof?  Mr. To…


So now I’m a little bit freaked out wondering just how in the hell much water is actually behind our house…so I hand him the camera and get a view of the snake home/mosquito breeding grounds…


Behind the 4 trees in the Bassac River…(flows off the Mekong)…and the rivers are VERY high this year!!!


Needless to say…To never caught a fish and there are still vines on the barbed wire…December cannot come soon enough…SO ready for our new house with houses ALL around!

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