Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Many years ago…

Ok…maybe not THAT many, but I can tell you in September of 2006, I was pregnant with our first baby we lost.  Jim & I were in Hollywood, sitting at Starbucks on Sunset Boulevard after spending the night at the Hyatt right there…we were reading the paper, watching a couple of girls leaving the Standard in last nights party clothes…I think I giggled and said, “Oh, the walk of shame.”…and Jim said, “What’s that?”…so I explained and he just laughed and said they probably had a fun night!  I was probably drinking a de-caf mocha and Jim was MOST certainly reading the sports section of the LA Times…I think the Trojans were still at the top of their game and Jim was probably recapping the plays to me while I sat and sipped and was TRULY interested…No kids, no responsibilities, no early morning wake up calls of vomit or poop…

…but no giggles, pitter patter of little feet, wet kisses, tears to dry, feet to kiss, “I love you Mama”, morning jogs in with my babes, no first steps, first words, milestones of first foods…you get what I’m saying…

…Well, maybe you don’t, so here’s what I’m saying…sitting at that Starbucks, I realized my life was going to change…I realized that no longer would be on carefree vacations without wondering, worrying, thinking about our babes…talking about them, wondering what they were doing, pondering how they would enjoy what we were doing…I knew it and I was happy about it!  I love being a mama…I’m OK with that nagging worry whenever one of them isn’t in my supervision, with them always being on the forefront of my mind…I knew it would change, but it’s all changed in a better way…

…Here Jim & I are on our way to Hong Kong…almost 4 years later and our first trip TOGETHER (Jim has had several of these trips) without diapers bags, bottles, changes of clothes, old toys wrapped in giftwrap to trick them into thinking it is something new, no plethora of DVD’s, coloring books, nursing covers, going thru security without a litmus paper being waved over a bottle, only a customs form for myself…

…Yes, it has been very easy to travel this way…to only carry my purse and be able to type on the plane to have these blogs ready to publish when I get a internet connection…to have a glass of wine at noon…to eat all of my food and not have it on me…

…Life is good to me…it has been very good and kind to my soul…I am with the love of my life…we have 3 beautiful children together…we love and are loved…we are ABLE to leave our children with people we trust and ENJOY our time together…

…We are holding hands, strolling hilly streets, choosing to sit at a bar and listen to music, taking a ferry because we feel like it, spooning for an afternoon snooze…

…Life is infinitely better with all of my guys in it…time together is what I live for…time with just my honey is a special treat…I am a wife for 3 days…and I haven’t forgotten why I said, “Yes!”…

…My life is beautiful…full of surprises, a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but I love it and it is perfect for me…I KNOW I wouldn’t change a thing.

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