Tuesday, July 19, 2011

“Two” Cute!!!

I always think how lucky I am with my babies…I’ve never just said to myself the “typical” twin monikers people like to say when they hear we have twins like:  "Do you ever wonder, why me?"…"Better you than me."…"Oh, I couldn’t do it." …and if you have ever had twins, you’ll know it’s not easy all of the time…shoot, MOST of the time…but it is WORTH it!  Every missed nap because one wakes the other up, every passed ear infection, snotty nose, bumped head, passed flu, puke nights, diarrhea diapers, double vaccinations…it’s all worth it!  …especially when you get to see this:

Chase me big brother!!

These two are precious…they touch each other, laugh, hug, kiss, chase and keep each other up when they are supposed to be napping…but I wouldn’t change one thing!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is sooooooo cute!!! Love that post. And for the record, Brandon might not look like you, but I see Zach in him!!
