We have always belonged to some sort of fitness club…somehow we have managed to belong to 24 Hour Fitness for forever, so we get a very good deal…To this day, we pay $17.20 for both of us to go to any 24 Hour Fitness Sport in the world. Not too shabby…
Since arriving here, I have taken note of a lot of things in my life…now this post isn’t about how I’m sacrificing, because I am not. I have a good life here, I like it here, my babies are thriving here, Jim & I are getting more time alone than we’ve had in 4 years…so, no, you will not hear me complaining or puffing up about the sacrifices I am making. You don’t know what sacrifices are until you leave the comfort of your own country (speaking of the USA)…it’s an eye opener for sure. However, I am digressing…like I said, don’t think this post is about sacrifices, because it’s not. Yes, we have had some BIG changes in our life, but it’s quite wonderful how your body allows your mind to a new “normal”.
So…yes, we don’t have hot water, we have no closets, no drawers for silverware, no dryer, no dishwasher, we ride around in a tuk tuk without car seats, we often jump on the back of a moto to go out for a date, there is no Starbucks, there are no malls, I get food poisoning once per month, I often don’t understand what people are saying to me, I cannot find dry deodorant, no instant oatmeal, breakfast bars are not sold in the stores, Lucky Charms are in the store about 1 time per month, you cannot buy candles to make your house smell yummy, sometimes a vagabond snake shows up in your yard, my husband has stepped on a rat while walking in the streets, I’ve been pick pocketed, I’m sweaty and gross ALL of the time, my hair just plain sucks right now and, well, I could tell you all about these “things” all day long…but they are really quite petty. I mean, what do you really really need to live??
SO the whole point of my post is this…with all of that, we have found this:
The Phookethra Health Club at the Sofitel Hotel
It is a little slice of heaven for us…less than 1 mile from our front door, we can swim, exercise, play in a new park, be covered from rain in a fancy playroom, have a steam drawn for us so it is ready after our workout, play tennis, have a cocktail or a fabulous cappuccino, order a burger, take a yoga class…you name it. Some of our friends joined as well, so there is never a problem of finding someone to play with or share a mojito with! Can’t wait to share it with our family and friends coming over!!!!!!
The kids pool…
Yes…it has been a big change for us…but, yes, there are many wonderful benefits as well!!! It’s funny how what seems expensive to us now is going to a “fine restaurant” that has prices comparable to Red Robin!!!! See…there is a positive in everything…there are sacrifices, but there are benefits too!!!!
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