Monday, December 27, 2010

Wishing you a “Happy Merry Christmas”!

As you know, this year was a different kind of Christmas!  We are in Cambodia and Buddhists don’t really celebrate Christmas, but they do capitalize on our celebration of Christmas!  I was able to purchase a Christmas Tree, ornaments, presents, wrapping paper and have it all delivered to the house.  Everything here is deliverable, for no fee and the tip you give is very small and actually almost embarrassing…but that’s another story!  So…here we are:

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Don’t really know what Santa Mama was thinking when the drums came home in the tuktuk!  Speaking of coming home in the tuktuk…here is Santa Mama’s trip home from “Toys & Me”:

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I was embarrassed…the amount spent was more than twice the average person’s salary in this country.

Since we don’t have an oven, I ordered a 6kilo turkey from the Cafe Fresco…at 3 pm sharp, a moto with 2 guys arrived with a juicy, herbed turkey, an almond/cherry tart and fresh homemade truffles…all for $60…pretty good, considering just the turkey was $50 at the local grocery store.

Someone was excited to start eating the turkey (he also happens to be a nudist).

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Zachary insisted that Daddy ride Zach’s bike to the end of the road…so off they went!…and some drum lessons from Daddy…he can still jam and, as always, looks pretty sexy (daddy, that is) doing it!…even on a mini-set!


We headed out for coffee in the morning with the family and our “extended family”…


…and our boys during Christmas Dinner.  Zach’s realized he has a “built in ladder”…I’m hoping a broken arm isn’t in our future!~

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So this Christmas, I’ve realized a lot. 

Holidays are what you make of them.  Turkey, stuffing, steamed rice, soy sauce and chili sauce…our Christmas Dinner.

Family is family no matter where you are.  We went for a ride, held babies, had ice cream and laughed around the dinner table.

There is always someone less fortunate than yourself.  Leak and the gang had NEVER seen a real turkey…only on TV.  It was their very first time eating a turkey in their 25+ years!

Accept and love each other.  Even though our help did not celebrate Christmas, they were happy to join in our festivities and wish us all a “Happy Merry Christmas”…all day long!

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