Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spa #2 – Bodia Spa

I have had a sore shoulder for over a week now…not surprising, I have 2 babies who are over 20 pounds each, one just got over the measles and I just moved across the world.  Nothing like a big old knot in your shoulder!  My nanny kept telling me to go get a massage, so I decided I would venture out to a new place today…and here it is…Bodia Spa.

Upon arrival: cool tea, a cool towel and flower


This is water feature I walked across to my treatment room:


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I was asked if I would like a shower before my treatment…Ummmm….YES!  HOT water and a full shower head…bring it on!


Tranquil Setting of the room:


I enjoyed myself.  I was greeted by very friendly staff (speaking of which, EVERYONE is friendly here in Cambodia).  You are given a menu and you choose what you would like.  I wanted a massage that focused on my back, shoulders, neck and head.  Listed as the “Neck, Shoulder & Head” Massage…BINGO…$24 for an hour.  I had my shower, my massage, fell asleep and came out to some hot tea with another cool washcloth.  ALL FIVE of the staff assisting me were very happy to have me there and gave me a 30% discount for being a foreigner.  Now how’s that for treating people right?  I got a one hour (a FULL hour, not the wimpy 50 minute crap in the states) massage for $16.80 in a VERY nice spa!  I will be back…but I’ve decided I’m going to be spending a lot more time in the spas of Phnom Penh.  I will keep you all posted!

For your viewing pleasure:

I didn’t have the kids and Vichet was running behind, so I ventured to the river (20 steps away) and grabbed a cup of coffee and enjoyed my view!


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