Monday, December 10, 2012

The Splash

On an outing with my Zachary today…I was grumpy, he was chatty…I just wanted to get stuff done, he wanted to dilly daddle…I was focused, he was not…but by the time we got to the office supply store for some final Christmas decorations…I had come around to his way of thinking.  I let him run around the store, checking things out, be independent and chat away…so it went like this.

Z:  MOM! MOM!  Here I am.  You know.  I have to go to the bathroom. 

Me:  OK.  Go ahead and go.

Z:  I will.  I really have to go.  To the bathroom.

Me:  Can you go alone?

Z:  Yes.  I am going.  And it’s a Number 2. 

(at this time, the Aussie and his daughter next to me are snickering quite a bit)

Me:  OK.  Go ahead.  I will come back there in a minute.

Z:  Yes.  You need to wipe my butt.  And you know?  When you hear a splash, that means I’m done and it’s time for you to come and wipe my butt.  [all in Zachary’s VERY loud, adorable little lisp]

(snickering is complete laughter now)

Z:  Why are those people laughing at me?  Why are YOU laughing at me?  What’s funny?  Can you stop?  Just come wipe my butt when you hear a splash.

…I never heard a splash…(it’s a big store)

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