Monday, August 1, 2011

Driving the Streets of PP

Well…the last time I drove a car was, oh, EIGHT months ago!!!  Last night Jim wanted to run to a restaurant and have me meet him there for dinner…the only catch was…I had to drive the big old honkin’ Denali (the driver had a day off)…In normal life, this is A-OK…in PP life…a little bit scary!  People do what they want, drive on the side they want, pull out without looking, cross streets without checking both ways, change lanes, go fast, go slow, pass in the other lane as you are heading their way, stop in the middle of the street to let people out, park where they like and it’s ALL YOUR fault if you hit something/someone…but, like they say, IT IS like riding a bicycle…I remembered HOW to turn a car on, put it in drive, make a 2 point turn around on our narrow street and head out…and my palms were NOT sweaty, I didn’t honk my horn, I didn’t cuss anyone out and I didn’t lose my temper…I just went with it…(For the record, Jim was a little bit disappointed in my relaxed state of driving…he wanted me to honk a horn, flip someone off and scream…oh, wait…that’s how he drives~!)


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