Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who Loves Her Boys???

Well my sons…my THREE SONS…(I am so so lucky)…I’m feeling a little scared again and feel it necessary to tell you how I feel in the off chance that something should happen to me.  Tomorrow I have surgery, and I hate writing these things because I feel like I am tempting fate, but then I’d rather tempt fate than have you live without knowing how much I wanted you and love you.  So…fate be damned and boys here you go…

Zachary…My FIRST born.

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You have been the light of my life for the past 3 years…I’ve always wanted you and couldn’t wait to meet your face and to get to know your personality.  You are a go getter, you have lots of energy, you are honest, smart, funny, busy, loving, sweet, ornery and a “Big Brudder”…You like to do naughty things and then show them to me to get my reaction…if you do something naughty and I say, “Who did this?”…you always fess up (hopefully you will always do that)…you love to cuddle me…ALWAYS have loved that.  Couldn’t get you to sleep alone in your crib until you were 5 months old because you loved sleeping next to me.  Just yesterday, I put make up on and you told me I was a pretty girl and pointed to my mascara…you make me smile in so many ways and every night I think about you and something you did and you always end my day with a smile.

Trevor…the MIDDLE boy by 2+ years one ways and 3 minutes the other!


Your dad says you are like him.  You are “calm, cool and collected”…which I have to sort of agree with (but don’t tell your dad I’m agreeing with him)…you are LIKE this…until you get hungry.  You have some lungs boy!!!!  You are also the mama’s boy.  You prefer me over anybody (and it’s no secret, I LOVE IT!).  You can hear me walk into a room and want me, be held by someone else and if you hear me or smell me, you want me.  You love to coo to me and you smiled at me before Brandon did!~  You also look just like I did when I was a baby.  You are chunky and I was worried your arms were to short for your body because your belly is so chunky you have a hard time resting your arms in your chest!  (Truly so cute!).  My little mama’s boy…

Brandon…MY BABY!!!

DSC07699Of all my boys, you were the only one who was able to come straight to me right after you were born.  I got to hold you in wonder and be amazed at what a gift you were right from the start.  We had time alone while Daddy was in the NICU with Trevor and it was just you and I talking to each other and you staring at me knowing that I WAS YOUR mama…one of the most amazing moments I’ve ever experienced.  You don’t cry very loud, in fact, you snort…like a pig…true story!  Last night at Book Club, the girls couldn’t stop giggling because they said you reminded them of being on a farm when they were little…you just kept snorting…daddy & I giggle about it too…There was this one day that we were running errands and when I opened the back door, there was a big frigging spider on your face and I lost my marbles…screaming and grabbing spiders.  You are my tiniest boy right now…but you are a demanding presence. 


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All  my boys…I love each and every one of you more than I could have ever imagined…you make each day worth living, every laugh bigger, every smile brighter and every tear worth it all.  I love you to infinity and beyond…Your Mama…


  1. You'll do great today T! Great post. It is amazing to see how different your kids can be!!!! XOXO

  2. Great post, T! I enjoy the way you speak about your sons. I swear that I can see your face smiling just as if I saw you in person. I get kinda' teary-eyed when I envision it. Any reader can sense the love and warmth you have for your family.
