Sunday, October 31, 2010

These are the days…

There’s nothing like having a baby to help you stop and realize your mortality…their new skin, fresh breath and bright eyes.

Here’s what I know…loving my babies brings me the best days of my life.  Catching a smile, hearing their laugh, watching them see something for the first time, holding them close as they nurse…these are the only moments you get…they need you, they love you and want you…when they don’t want to sleep, when the old one talks back, when everyone is crying…remember that these days don’t last forever…little starfish hands reaching up for a hug, little lips kissing every inch of your arm….showing love the way you love them.

I cherish each moment with my babes…today my parents dug out some old photos and it just brings the circle of life into plainer view…we are babies and loved and give love…parents do what they can just to get us to smile and laugh…each moment is priceless and a moment you never get back. 

I wouldn’t change a thing.  Boys…you are my everything and I thank God EVERY day for putting you in my life to love and I promise to remember this everyday.  You are a gift and each moment with you is something to treasure.



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