Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Zachary…my chatterbox!

Well…this boy deserves his own little post!  He is my little buddy…until he wants a baba, then he tells me he is my baby!  If I tell his brothers they are big boys, he tells me, “No, they baby brudders!  They not big boys.  I a big boy!”  I guess he comes by this honestly, as a child, my relatives called me “Motor Mouth”…guess some things don’t change!

The twins get up a little bit later than brother because they get their early feeding…so Z usually gets out of bed and plays in his room a bit…yesterday, this is what I awoke to with him saying, “I’m a scary boy!”


He also likes to climb on to the bathroom counter and tell me one of the following:  “I’m such a pretty boy”…”I’m very handsome”…”I have big muscles”…”I wanna shake my peaches”…today it was the peaches…


When we went to the park, he wanted to ride his “cooter”…halfway thru, he tells me he’s too tired and he’ll just pull it…



…and today, when the A/C guys were here performing a check up…he answered the door naked and wanted to help them.  I told him he had to put some underwear on, so he did … backwards …grabbed his tools that Grammy & Grampy got him and ran off to help the guys.  In the living room, I could hear a shrieking noise coming from my bedroom and Zach yelling, “OH NO…GET DOWN FROM THERE!  THERE ARE MONSTERS UP THERE!  OH NO!  I SAID THERE ARE MONSTERS UP THERE!”…so I go into the room and the guys are in the crawl space checking everything and Zach tells me, “When I’m a big boy, I will go up there, but I’m a baby and there are monsters up there!”…all the while, he’s got his safety goggles on upside down and is carrying a drill with thong undies!  He’s truly a joy!!!

