Thursday, June 27, 2013

Welcome to California!!

We had a much anticipated visit from my dad and mom in the middle of summer…this NEVER happens…you just don’t take vacation in the middle of summer in Alaska…the middle of summer is for working!!!!  But they came and we enjoyed…we celebrated Dad’s birthday; I ran a 1/2 marathon; we went to the beach; we hit up Disneyland; we ate lots of good food; spent countless hours at the pool; watched a few movies and just enjoyed “family time”…At this point in my life, it was very important for me to have my parents around and just “be” with them. 

A very happy birthday to my sweet sweet dad who deserves many special wishes in life!!!


We spent time dinking around the malls, Costco and even got soaked on a golf cart ride with Mimi!!!


Then we took off for Temecula for a night so I could torture myself and run the half marathon I swore I’d never run again…we enjoyed the sculptures and hanging out downtown and hitting up the sweets shop after dinner!!!


Then we took off to stay in Irvine for a few nights…my friend graciously offered her entire house to us for our entire stay!!!  Cha-ching!!!

The boys felt right at home immediately and especially loved that she had a treadmill in her kitchen…hahaha…I’m being serious!


All three boys didn’t want to sleep in the cool bunk beds, so we crammed that queenie full!

Then we headed to see one of my bestest friends from my NAU college/rugby playing days in San Clemente.  We packed WAY TOO much food and WAY TOO many toys and took off for the beach on Father’s Day!  It was a PERFECT day of sun, sand and love…we caught up, our kids loved each other and Grampy and Grammy got to hang out with the kiddos too…


We headed back to their house with sand in our toes and jammies in hand (mama planned ahead…) and had some pasta as only an Italian can cook up and ate and laughed and loved watching our little's love on each other…Then we enjoyed EGG FREE brownies and ice cream ON THE COUCH and guess who was sleeping before we hit the 5?  ALL THREE!


Disneyland will get its own post…


We spent the rest of our days dinking around and just being the superheroes that we are…


Then we put the kids to bed early, got a sitter and enjoyed a night of adult time…042043

…and then Dad and Mom watched the kids so I could have some girl time!!!!053


(3 of used to work together and 1 was my next door neighbor…LOVE these friends!!)

…and then we had to say good bye and these boys of mine were not too happy…


We love you Dad/Mom/Grammy/Grampy

…THIS is what summer is about

…THIS is life is about

…THIS is what memories are made of

…and you gave these boys a WHOLE lot of them…

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