Thursday, June 27, 2013

Never Gets Old…

I don’t know if Disney ever gets old…does it?  I mean, the first time I took my boys was back in 2010 and that was only Zachary and Mimi…and since then, we have been twice to Disney Hong Kong and twice to Disney California…and it is perfect…every.single.time!!!  For me, it’s all about the kids…their excitement, enjoyment, pleasure, joy and everything in between…they LOVE DISNEY!!!

Our very first “Kochel Trip to Disney” back in 2010…when the twins were 2 months old and Zachary was about the same age the twins are now!  (extra bonus when you get them in before they are 3…because they are FREE!!!)


I really cannot believe how fast the years go…

And here we are in 2013…on our walk to the main entrance, we laughed and teased my mom…because my dad thought she might be more excited than the kids about going…in my dad’s words, “Of course she is excited…she’s waited for this day for 40 years…”…to which my mom said, “Well…more like 20…!!!”…it was a much anticipated trip and everyone had a blast!


We did SO MANY things…I really can’t believe how much we fit into one day (I wish I would have worn a pedometer…I think we probably walked about 10 miles!!!)

One of my girlfriends who lives a few miles away even met us there for a good part of the day…her “Little Jake” and Zachary are about 2 weeks apart in age!


My boys loved every minute of their day there…and let me tell you…there were A LOT of minutes we spent there…



…there was a little bit a theme in the day…Trevor didn’t like ANYTHING that went a little bit fast…his favorite ride was the merry-go-round…even Dumbo freaked him out!  Small World was a close 2nd!

…and then I walked back to the hotel with dad and the twins, bathed them and put them to bed and hoofed it back to Disneyland where Zachary and Grammy were watching the AMAZING fireworks (I’d never gotten to see those before, they were pretty darn amazing!)

…and Little Big Z was SO excited to be up at night time and hanging out with Grammy and Mommy WAY past his bed time…AND to get to ride on the Indiana Jones ride…We finished the night with the Star Wars ride and left the park around 11:15…I think by 11:17, Zachary was asleep on my shoulders…I would walk that 1 mile over and over again to give that boy a few more hours at Disneyland…the place is truly magical!!!


The little trooper…PASSED OUT!!!


Another perfect day…


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