Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A little bit of weather…

So I get this email from my parents…this is their front porch…in Alaska…like 2 weeks ago…seriously, snow…and I’m pretty sure it was still September…how did I come from this?  Like, 2 seasons and it’s fricking cold winter and warm winter??  But, I will admit, I MISS THIS…I really do…I don’t miss the plugging the truck in at night so that it will start in the morning, or the 10 pounds of snow gear you have to put on just to go outside…and God only knows what it would be like to wrestle 3 kids – MY 3 BOYS – into their snowsuits, boots, hats and mittens and then put them in a car seat…no thanks

…but in my perfect memory, I miss the longer darker days; the school being closed because of too much snow and your best friend coming over for the day; the late night family sledding nights with a bonfire and maybe a bloody nose; the ice skating on the frozen lakes; waiting for the river to freeze up enough so we could drive our cars out and open the doors with the Seahawks game blaring on the radio while we ice fished... 

Admittedly, these sound perfect…and in my child-minded memories, they are…I was with my family…a Gram, a Dad, a Mom, a bunch of cousins, an aunt or an uncle or both, a great uncle, a 3rd cousin and any family friends who happened to be in town.  When you are a kid, it’s what you want…everyone laughing and having fun and enjoying something exciting and just being together.


So here’s to snow; being cold; shorter days; but lots of love…

…and while my heart felt thoughts above (that was not planned, but sometimes I see a photo or remember something and it all comes back to me) have NOTHING to do with the photos below…they are totally worth sharing.

This was on my way to pick up the kids from school…maybe last Tuesday?  It was POURING for about and hour…and this is what happens here…


The foot pegs of my chariot…covered in water!!


…and the crazy part is, by 3 pm, the streets are clear again and all the shops are open and it’s like nothing happened.  Gotta hand it to tenacity and a desire to make some cash!

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