Thursday, June 21, 2012

Down Under Part 1

The first part of our “Down Under” adventure started in Surfer’s Paradise at the Sea Temple Resort…on the beach…in paradise!!!  It was BEAUTIFUL there…everything you expect about Australia…perfect weather, clean, sunny, not too hot, not too cold, pristine…truly perfect!!  We had day after day of theme parks, zoos. animals, eating and just plain FUN!!!


VIEW AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!!!**  Smile with tongue out



The boys had a BLAST having free reign to run where they wanted, touch what they liked and just be kids…

For the record, kangaroos and koala bears are VERY VERY soft…like a rabbit…I always thought a ‘roo would be coarse, but they were very very soft!!!

Then we visited a couple of theme parks…Dream World and Movie Land…Zachary was tall enough to ride a few roller coasters…the boys got to ride the kiddie rides and we ran into a LOT of “superstars”, took photos, danced, shook hands, high fived and just basically had a fantastic time!!!


Our entrance into one park, got us into the water park as well…I didn’t bring swimmers, but their girlie pal, Karina, had a packet of undies due to recent potty training, so my boys were decked out in TinkerBell panties for a quick splash!!


I feel like this next series of photos deserves it’s own post…but it’s here already, so I’ll elaborate right here!  Zachary is tall enough to go on many “coasters”…he was excited to hit up a “big boy” coaster in a sidecar, where I “drove” the motorcycle…NOT SO excited afterwards…he screamed the entire time, but was proud of himself…the next day, we hit the kiddie land and there was a smaller coaster for him to enjoy…it didn’t take much coaxing, and he was EXCITED to try a new one…on the way up, he put his hands in the air, was smiling, proud of himself and basically feeling like a stud…


…and then the first drop…Oh, lord…it’s wrong, but I laugh every time I see this…and the best part, after it was all said and done…he wanted to go on it again…I’m in for trouble, this kid has quite a bit of his dad in him…loves those thrills!!


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These days were WONDERFUL, busy, fun, free of schedules, yummy food, popcorn, dream come true for my little guys!!!  They love their cars, superheroes, dancing, loud music, running around, being silly and spending time with mama and friends…couldn’t ask for a better time!!!!

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