Monday, August 2, 2010

My little man...

Dearest Little Zachary...

I love you more than words can say...everyday I look at you and see your little sparkle in your eyes and thank God everyday that he gave you to me...You are teaching me to be a mama and sometimes I'm not perfect, but I will tell you I love you more than life itself...I try very hard and I hope you will always know that.

You are what I've always wanted...but even more...when I first saw your heart beating, I was in love...being a mama is so rewarding and scary at the same time...being a mama means you are in fear every second, yet so in love it washes the fear wear your heart on your sleeve and live in fear of it being ripped out by something happening to you, my precious boy.
I love you...every single thing about you...your laugh...your independence...your bossiness...your light in your eyes...your voice...your are the perfect fit for me.

You do so many things that I think are simply walking...talking...eating food...talking back to me...because I am your mama, these are all little miracles that I cherish each day...

Your life that came from me is a miracle...when I first touched your perfect little toes and felt you calm at my touch, I couldn't help but bring you into the world is a gift from God and I won't ever forget every moment we have spent together.
We've been all over the country and me, my little buddy. Dada always likes to joke about how you are my best friend...and really, when you aren't with me, I feel like a part of me is missing. I can't imagine my life without ever having had you in it. God sure knew what he was doing when he gave me are a little bit of me, a little bit of your dad, and a lot of you! Perfect in every way.
We've done so many things together and because of you and Dada, my life has been nothing short of wonderful...From Dada for knowing how much I needed you and to be in your life every single day...for making sacrifices so we could do that...From you, just being your mama...
I hope we have a long life together and I can remind you of all of your funny things you did as a little boy...naughty things as a teenager and wonderful things as a man.
Your life is about to will have 2 brothers to share me doesn't mean I love you any less, it just means God thinks I have a lot of love to give, so I'll get a bigger heart to give them the same love too.
I'm a little scared about unknowns...Dada says I don't like surprises...I don't know the path life will take us all on, but one thing I know for sure is that my life is 1 million percent better because I am your mama.
I loved you before I even knew you and will forever...Your Mama

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