Monday, August 2, 2010

Hard to post...

It's definitely getting harder and harder for me to post. I can't sit up straight, I can't reach the keyboard and I really don't have anymore patience for anything other than Zach, and even that wears thin sometimes! Poor baby!

Anyway, I'm catching up...again!

I got some more photos from my baby shower, so I'm adding a few here! Thank you again to all of my beautiful friends and family who have been so supportive during this has been tougher than I have all been a godsend! xoxo

In other news...Zach is enjoying his days at school...he even asks to go sometimes...which makes me very happy to know that he is enjoying himself and has fun...those first few times were tough on both of us. Now he says, "You leave me here...Mama goes to the Dr. You come get me after my nap!"...he's got it down!!!

We've had a few playdates...all indoors, except for when we can hit the pool! Kaia & Isabella's mom, Christina, had us over...and wouldn't you know, that two girls have a LOT of pink...Which happens to be Z's favorite color right now! I volunteered to go pick up $1.50 slices of pizza while they all stayed home and I came back to him dressed to nines! Little Mermaid outfit, Pink High Heels and Cat Ears...I adore him! He was perfectly happy, once he got to put everything on! ...then he sat there and played trains in the dress! Boys don't's just dress up right now! In fact, when I went to pick him up at school on Thursday, he had a purple tutu on!

Zach & Jakey...they drove from OC to hang out with us for the day!!!

Miss Kaia!!!

Speaking of things getting harder to do, getting Zach to bed is another...I mean, seriously, I need another foot or so of arms...bathing is tough, sitting on the floor makes me throw up...nothing is I've started a "you have one more week with just your mama ...and mama is going to make it the best" ritual...he takes a shower and then we pick out a movie, I make a bowl of popcorn and he falls asleep on the couch...he thinks it's pretty special, I get extra cuddles and he's usually asleep within 45 minutes...we both win! I'm comfy and can breathe...he's happy to be doing something "special"!!!

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