Monday, August 23, 2010

...and then we were 5!

Oh, boy! These past few weeks have been a whirlwind! When summer was dragging along, I was huge, couldn't breathe, couldn't chase after my Zachy, was sweaty all of the time and just plain pooped! Lucky for me, August arrived and with it, Grammies & Grampies, our DADA, Uncle Bob and new brothers (In that order!)!!!

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Because we were having twins (naturally…as people like to call it!), the Dr. thought it would be a good idea to induce me…I guess you have to have a double set up and I have to deliver in an OR in case an emergency c-section is required!  Lucky for our little family, Daddy Jim arrive on 8/7 at our home just before 8:00 pm…we got to spend all day, 8/8, as a little family of 3.  I think it was perfect for Zachary to get that time with us together again!

Sooooo…August 9, 2010, we woke up at 5:00 am and call the L&D to make sure there was “room at the inn” and they called us in…Unfortunately, by the time we got there 1 hour later, there was no room and we had to wait a couple of hours (which I heard about from Jim every 15 minutes…he was peeved that he could have slept in….AND gotten breakfast or a Starbucks!). 

By 8:20, we were called back and put into a room right across the hall from the OR entrance…makes sense now!  I was given my epidural around 10:30 am and my waters were broke around 12:30…the Doc thought that I would go any minute…in fact, Jim was eating a sandwich when she came in to break the waters (strange that he was actually eating) and she said, “Finish your sandwich Jim, this is going to be fast!”…NOT SO!!!!  I labored all day at 6 cm…finally at 6:00, they switched out my bag of pitocin and my contractions finally kicked up…at 7:40 (after sending EVERYBODY home at 7:30…LOL), my Doc came in and saw me and said, “Now that’s a face that is ready to have some babies!”…I was in the OR by 7:48 and at 8:34 pm we welcomed Trevor James into the world and 3 minutes later, at 8:37 pm, we welcome Brandon James.  They are perfect and our family is complete! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates. I am happy that you are all doing well.
