Sunday, September 23, 2012

Magical Siem Reap

I have lived in Cambodia for 2 years and have only been to the Angkor Wat 2 times…both for just a day.  Last month, I was invited to go with some friends on weekend trip…we drove up, visited some temples both days and then drove home…it was beautiful, fun and meaningful…

When we went, I thought we were just going to check out some temples and have some girl time…but when we got there, I understood that my friend had prayed for something and it happened, so now she had to go to these holy places to give thanks for her prayers being answered.  It was SO cool!  Really neat to be a part of this in such a different way.  The first time I went to Siem Reap, it was with my bestie on a WHIRLWIND trip…seriously, got on a plane at 6:00 am, landed and hit the temples, had a margarita in town around 3:30 pm and headed back to the airport to fly back to Phnom Penh…it was crazy, busy, fun, amazing and something I will always cherish…

This time, it was slower paced, a quiet drive, offerings, different beautiful temples in a completely different light…I loved seeing the new places, revisiting the ones I saw last time and being a part of my friends’ giving of thanks.  One of the things I love about being here is learning a new culture, a new belief, making new friends and just enjoying a whole new perspective.  I also learned something new…in Buddhism, when you go to perform these rituals, any friends or relatives who help you will also become blessed with good fortune…Count me in!!! 

Sometimes I really miss home, but where else can you do/see/feel/love/experience this:



I loved this trip, the laughs, the food (and I tried a LOT of new ones), the friends, the temples…it was simply amazing.

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