Wednesday, November 2, 2011



Welcome to our family, little Bobo!  It only took Zachary 1 month to earn you…maybe longer…but he sleeps in his own bed and has successfully been off of his “baba’s”…YAHOO!  I’m not making excuses…OK, maybe I am…but it’s about time!  WE did it, little Z!!  He woke up on the day of trick or treating and knew that he was getting his turtle…we bought “Bobo” and he went trick or treating with us and settled right into his new home in Zach’s room!  YAY!

In another note of getting rid of the “baba’s”…it was just time…for a long time…I’ve reasoned it enough that I don’t need to do it for you…but I will say he is one clever little guy.  Day 2 or 3…he says on his way to nap time…”Mama…I would like something with milk in it.”…to which I replied, “Like what?  Cereal?”…and he says, “No…it has a top, you put milk in it and you can cuddle with it.  It’s green!”…I had forgotten there was a sippy cup of milk in the fridge and he must have seen it…but for about 5 minutes, I thought he was pretty clever to come up with a new description of a bottle THIS way!  (and for the record, he doesn’t even get a sippy cup!)

Way to go Zach!  We are so proud of you and can’t believe how fast you are growing up…in less than 2 months, we will have a 4 YEAR old…I still remember the day I met you like it was yesterday…it is impossible to me that you are going to be 4.  I love you to your bones…and am happy that you are my best little buddy!!


1 comment:

  1. He's so TINY! I hope that Bobo is a wonderful little turtle for you Zach.

    Auntie Chupchake misses you SO MUCH!

    I know that you'll have a great visit with Grammy and Grampy and showing Uncle Chris all the things you love.

    And that bottom picture of look EXACTLY like your Mama!

    I love you

