Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Going Dark…

Life has been exciting for us…

we’ve seen a lot of the world that many people will never have the opportunity;

we’ve travelled…

we’ve met new friends…

we’ve kept old ones…

we’ve been threatened…

we’ve been praised…

we’ve been loved…

we’ve been adventurous…

we’ve tried new foods…

we’ve taken chances…

we’ve helped friends…

we’ve made new family…

we’ve given opportunities…

we’ve said good-byes…

we’ve started businesses…

we’ve laughed a lot…

we’ve shed some tears…

we’ve been stressed…

we’ve been happy…

…but thru it all we’ve had each other.  we have our health. we have our love. we have our boys. we have our family. we have our friends. we have determination. we have a home. we have life.  WE HAVE HOPE…

…and now it’s time for something new…

We are back in the USA…we are BACK friends…and with that, I say, “Farewell Kochel Blog…”…I will be hauling my boys around, making a new life, working and writing about ALL of our adventures (the good, the bad and the scary) while living overseas!  Stay tuned.

Until then…thanks for following us on our journey…I’ll check back in every now and then with a tidbit of our life (past or present!)…

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